








BRIAN CHEUNG. Hi, Chairman Powell. I’m Brian Cheung, Yahoo Finance. I’m just wondering if you could provide a little bit more color in terms of how you’re thinking about mortgage-backed securities purchases as you inch towards taper. In the context of home prices continuing to rise, we’ve heard a lot of people talk about the idea that maybe they’d like to cool off on specifically the MBS purchases. Is that more because of the optics, or is it because there’s an observed relationship from the Committee’s view between MBS purchases under QE and the hot housing market? Thanks.

Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference



So a number of participants raised that — questions around MBS and tapering at today’s meeting, as a matter of fact, and yesterday’s meeting. And I’ll just say that, generally speaking, I don’t think — and I don’t think that — I think the Treasury and MBS purchases affect financial conditions in very similar ways. There may be modest differences in terms of contribution to housing prices, but it’s not something that’s big. It’s not — it’s — so where I think we are is there really is little support for the idea of tapering MBS earlier than Treasuries. I think we will taper them at the same time. It seems likely, based on where people are now. The idea of reducing MBS purchases at a somewhat faster pace than Treasuries does have some attraction for some people, others not so much. And I think it’s something that we’ll be continuing to discuss.

Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference

“何人かの参加者がMBSとテーパリングに関する問題を今回のミーティングで提起している。私は(パウエル議長は)国債の購入とMBSの購入とは同じように金融情勢に影響を与えるものと考えている。住宅価格への影響には若干の違いはあれど、それは大きくない。そのため、私は国債に先んじてMBSの購入からテーパリングを開始するという考えを強く支持する状況ではないと考える(there really is little support little) 。私は現状からして、私たちがそれら(国債とMBS)を同時にテーパリングさせると思う。MBSの購入を先に縮小させることを支持する人もいれば、支持しない人もいることは確かであるため、今後も議論は続けていく”






Chairman, I want to ask you a little bit about your taper timeline in the sense that you said you want a couple more months of data. And the statement says that the Fed is going to use — to evaluate the developments in the two markets, in jobs and inflation, in coming meetings. Does that suggest that we wouldn’t see anything before September or November in your meetings? And I know a lot of people on Wall Street have basically felt you’re going to lay out your taper plans at Jackson Hole. Is that — is that the plan, or are we not going to see anything until the fall?

Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference




So in any decisions about the timing, and I did not — if I said we’re looking at wanting a couple more months of data, I’m not meaning to suggest anything about a particular time at which we might taper because we really have not made that decision. All I’m saying is we’re not at substantial further progress. There’s a range of views on what timing will be appropriate. And those views ultimately track back to people’s views about the economy and what will happen as we make progress towards our — towards our goal. So that’s really what it is. And I — we will, of course, as we — you know, we’re going to continue to try to provide clarity as appropriate on timing, pace and composition. But, today, I’ve given you what I can give you because, again, this was the first really I would say deep dive on the issues of timing, pace and composition. And it was a good meeting. And — but no decisions are made, and I’m just not in a position to give you much guidance, really any guidance on the actual timing. I — but I will say we’re making progress. We expect further progress. And we expect that, if things go well, then we will — we will reach that goal. And when we reach it and the Committee is comfortable that we have reached it, then we’ll taper at that point. I really — there’s nothing I can say about Jackson Hole. You know, I’m — we’re in the process of writing that speech. And I am going to give a speech, and — but I wouldn’t want to — I wouldn’t want to say what will be in there at this point.

Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference

“数ヵ月(2,3ヵ月)分のデータを確認したいというのは、テーパリングの具体的なタイミングに関して何かを示すものではない。テーパリングの適切なタイミングに関しては複数の見方がある。…. 今回のミーティングでは結論は出ていいないし、私は明確なタイミングについて言及する立場にない。ジャクソンホールについても何もいえることはない”


